I had a potential client reach out to me the other day and something she said caused a reaction in me. I’m pretty sure she meant it innocently enough but it still made me think about her words and how I’m not sure they were ok directed at herself.
We were talking on the phone for her consultation as I love to do that with every potential customer and she was really excited to do a boudoir session for herself but when she said, “I hope you do a lot of photoshopping” and that really caused a reaction in me. I didn’t say anything to her at the time but I’m going to rant for a little bit now. See here’s what set me off. When she said I hope you do a lot of photoshopping, I thought, why would I need to? It implies that you’re not perfect EXACTLY as you are and that you need photoshop to somehow be beautiful. She wasn’t the first person that has said that to me but for some reason, this one hit me pretty hard and made me think. I couldn’t get it out of my mind and it preoccupied me for a while so I thought I’d write about it.
Do I use photoshop as a tool to enhance an image and give it my signature look? Yes I do. Do I use Photoshop to fix that bulge that every bra, panty and stay up stocking causes? Yes, for sure. Those are not your fault so I make them go away when posture alone won’t fix it. Will I use photoshop to fix a scar that you don’t like. Of course. But what I don’t use photoshop for is to create a version of you that is not truthful to the gorgeous woman you are. You might be really surprised to know that the women on my site are not heavily photoshopped. I don’t want to brag too much, but I’m really good at what I do and don’t need to rely on Photoshop to make someone look gorgeous.
The other thing I was thinking about when she made her comment was, would you tell one of your friends that in order for them to look good they need to be photoshopped? Of course you wouldn’t, so why is it ok to say that about yourself? It’s totally not ok. I know that it was half said in gest in the moment when we were talking but I want you to repeat after me as you read this; “I’m beautiful just as I am” Say it aloud if you like. Then say it again just because I said so.
One of my core beliefs at Provocateur Images is that you are your own unique beauty and that you don’t need to hit a series of numbers to be beautiful. I show women that very thing every week and I’m the luckiest guy in the world to be able to do that for people. I can’t tell you how much of a thrill it is to see someone looking at their images literally confused. Confused because of all the things they have told themselves about not being sexy enough, thin enough, busty enough, having the right proportions and many others just don’t apply anymore. For the first time they see a gorgeous woman on the screen and although it takes them a minute to process it, they accept that they are perfect just as they are. No excessive photoshopping required ?

All Images used with permission


If a boudoir session with us sounds like fun, then the next step is to reach out and get more information. If you’re looking for more information on the process and what’s involved, download our info guide. Otherwise, we take the time to talk with all new potential clients by phone so we can answer all thier questions. Choose what you’d like to do below!


Being A Boudoir Rebel

Being A Boudoir Rebel

So, you’re not one to toe the line, huh? You’re the rebel type, craving something that’ll make society clutch their pearls? Picture this: a Toronto boudoir session. Yeah, that’s right—embrace your inner renegade and flaunt it!

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